How to Fix Computer Chair That Going Down

How to Fix Computer Chair That Going Down


Comfort is the main key factor that cannot be neglected while gaming on the computer or using it for a longer period. Maintaining body posture is really important and that is how we can work or play longer on our computer. If our body position is disturbed then it can also lead to some medical issues with our spinal cord that can really hurt. The most common issue faced in such a scenario is the computer chair keeps going down and that affects our comfort. If you have ever faced this issue, don’t worry. In this guide, we will cover how to fix a computer chair that is going down constantly.

What does it mean by a ‘computer chair going down’?

You may have heard this issue several times and it refers to the uncomfortable balance and posture of the chair. Whenever the height and balance of the chair are not right, it will cause discomfort and if it is repeated for a longer period then it can also affect your workflow and efficiency. In this guide further we will explore how to solve this with some simple DIY methods.

How to Fix Computer Chair That Going Down

What are the reasons behind the sinking computer chair?

Well, the computer chair can be adjusted up and down by the lever attached beneath the seat. The level is attached to a gas cylinder. Through that gas cylinder, the posture of a computer chair can be adjusted. If there is any issue with the gas cylinder or it got damaged then the computer chair might sink.

The other possible reasons can be loose screws in the computer chair and the damaged seat.

How can you fix the sinking computer chair?

A sinking computer chair can be revived by following these simple steps

  1. Checking the gas cylinder

A computer chair that goes down every time might have a faulty gas cylinder i.e. the gas may leak from the cylinder causing pressure loss that maintains the chair’s balance. If there is such a leakage issue then you can simply block that leakage or replace the cylinder.

  1. Changing the seat mechanism

Your computer seat is continuously falling down? Well, there can be an issue with your seat mechanism. You can easily dismantle the chair and look for all the faulty parts to figure out the chair’s issue. Replace the broken or not working components of the chair.

  1. Getting rid of the loose screws

If the screw of the computer chair is loose then it can also lead to sinking. You can simply tighten the loose screws to get rid of this issue and stabilize your computer chair.

  1. Lubricate the needed components of the computer chair

Some parts of the chair that help to move the chair need lubrication and if the lubrication is not provided the chair may face some damage and will face some movement issues. Simply lubricate the joints of the computer chair if you don’t want to face this issue.

What are the major disadvantages of using a sinking chair?

There are numerous factors that are important in maintaining and enhancing our work pace and sometimes there are not fulfilled because of a sinking chair and cause these disadvantages:

  1. Wrong posture

A chair that goes down can cause many problems like neck pain and back pain that results in some major medical issues if repeated on a daily basis. The posture should be maintained while using a chair for a long time. This can straight away affect our workflow as well.

  1. No height adjustments

A sinking chair cannot be adjusted according to our usage and when we adjust the chair’s height it again went down. Height adjustment is important to maintain proper ergonomics.

  1. Less productivity

If the position of the chair is not right and comfortable then it can affect our workflow as we can’t sit and work longer if the posture is not right leading to less productivity.

  1. Medical health issues

A sinking chair can lead to some serious medical issues such as backbone and neck issues. To avoid such pathetic issues you may follow the basic DIY ways explored in this article.

  1. Durability issues

If the chair is sinking then it can be because of some basic reasons discussed above. This can lead to durability issues as the chair is somehow damaged and using a damaged product can also lead to a permanent break at some point.


A computer chair that goes down every time while used can cause a real problem and can hurt you but you can fix this issue by following the above-mentioned simple fixes. Using a computer chair for long hours straight away affects your body posture and that is why you have to work on this to maintain the exact height and balance of the chair. Follow each mentioned step wisely and that is how you can simply resolve the sinking chair issues on your own at home and don’t have to replace the chair or bear the mechanical cost.


Why my computer chair keeps going down?

Well, it can be because of some basic faults in your chair like a damaged cylinder, a broken seat, and loose chair screws.

How can I fix a sinking computer chair by myself?

Simply tighten the screws, try lubricating the parts, and DIY repair methods. If you want to achieve more perfection in maintaining the posture of the chair then you may require some professional assistance.

How can I identify the exact problem causing my chair to go down?

You can identify the problem by checking the cylinder that either it is working properly or leaked. Also, you can check the mechanism of the seat and tighten the screws if some of them are loose.

Should I have the professional tools to repair a sinking computer chair?

In some instances, you don’t require professional components as you just need a basic screwdriver and a lubricant to repair a computer chair in such a scenario.

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