How to Fix Water Damage Computer

How to Fix Water Damage Computer

In our everyday lives, computers are indispensable. They are employed for professional, interpersonal, and recreational reasons. Water damage is one of the most typical computer issues, but mishaps do happen. It might result from a drink that was spilled, a leaky ceiling, or even a flood. It can be irritating when water harms your computer, and you might believe it is beyond repair. However, you can repair your water-damaged computer by taking the right precautions and actions. We’ll talk about how to repair water damage to your computer and get it back to working order in this piece.

What Happens If Water Falls On The Computer?

Water can harm a computer in several different ways if it falls on any component of it. Water can cause a short circuit when it comes into contact with electronic parts, which happens when electricity travels through a different path than planned. The hardware, including the motherboard, RAM, CPU, and hard disk, may be harmed as a result.

Water can also weaken or ruin metal components over time by causing corrosion. Electrical resistance brought on by corrosion can obstruct the correct passage of electrical signals through the components of the computer.

A computer’s hard disc is another component that water can harm. If water enters the hard drive, it may damage the discs’ magnetic covering, resulting in data loss or long-term harm to the hard drive.

How to Fix Water Damage Computer

Additionally, water damage can impair the functionality of the keypad, touchpad, and other input devices. In addition to corroding metal parts and distorting the computer’s plastic case, water damage can also physically harm the device.

Take measures to keep water from coming into contact with your computer because overall, water damage to a computer can be very expensive and damaging.

How To Fix Water-Damaged Computer?

Follow the below-mentioned steps to fix your water-damaged computer. 

Step 1: Disconnect The Power Source

Disconnecting your computer from the power source is the first thing you should do if you detect water damage on it. Unplug the computer instantly if it is still connected. Remove the battery if it is detachable. This procedure is essential because it guards against potential electrical damage from water.

Step 2: Remove External Devices

Take away all extra hardware, including USB drives, printers, and batteries. If your keyboard and mouse are both attached, you should also unplug them. If water has seeped into external devices, this can result in further harm. They won’t be harmed by the water by being removed from the machine as well.

Step 3: Dry the Exterior

Dry the computer’s surface using a cloth or towel. Make sure the computer’s surface is dry and free of any water stains. To remove any water that may be lodged in the computer’s ports and crannies, you can also use a Hoover cleaner. Use the lowest level, though, and avoid letting the Hoover touch the computer’s surface.

Step 4: Open the Computer

If you have the necessary skills, you should pry open the computer’s case. Although it is not necessary, this step aids in hastening the drying process. You can also see if the flood has left any obvious damage. However, it is recommended to skip this step and go straight to step 5 if you are unsure about accessing the computer.

Step 5: Dry the Interior

You can use a hairdryer or a fan to dry the computer’s innards. Make sure not to overheat the PC, and use the hairdryer’s lowest setting. The computer can also be dried using a fan while being placed in a well-ventilated area. High heat should be avoided because it can harm the computer’s internal components. Make sure the machine is shut down completely.

Step 6: Rice Bowl Method

The rice bowl approach can help if you don’t have access to a hairdryer or a fan. In this technique, the computer is placed in a bowl of uncooked rice and left for a few days. The moisture from the computer will be absorbed by the rice. The computer must dry for a longer period of time using this procedure.

Step 7: Check for Damage

Examine the computer for any obvious damage when it has dried. Look for any internal computer component rust, corrosion, or discoloration. If there is any damage, you should take it to a specialized repair shop because it might not be salvageable.

Step 8: Reassemble the Computer

You can reassemble the computer if there is no obvious damage. Make sure to properly reattach all internal parts and screws. If the battery was taken out, put it back in the computer. Reconnect all external devices as well, including the keyboard and mouse.

Step 9: Test the Computer

Reassemble the computer, then switch it on by plugging it into a power source. The computer is functioning properly if it powers on and runs normally. However, if the machine won’t boot up or isn’t working properly, the next step is to troubleshoot it. 

Step 10: Troubleshoot the Computer

You can troubleshoot a computer if it is not operating properly. One frequent problem is that the keyboard might not be functioning properly. You could try changing the keyboard or cleaning it in this situation. If the screen isn’t working properly, the display panel may have been harmed by water. The screen might need to be changed in this situation.

If the computer won’t power on, the problem may be caused by water damage to internal parts like the motherboard or power supply unit. In this situation, you might need to take the computer to a qualified repair facility to get it fixed.

Step 11: Prevent Water Damage

To ensure that your computer is used for a very long period, water damage prevention is essential. Drinking or eating near the computer should be avoided to reduce the risk of water damage. Additionally, make sure the computer is not situated in places where there is a significant risk of water damage, like next to a window or a roof that leaks. Make sure to keep your computer on a high surface or away from the water if you reside in a flood-prone location.

You can also invest in a waterproof laptop case or keyboard cover. In the event of unforeseen spills or water damage, these accessories offer an additional layer of defense.

The Bottom Line

While frustrating, PC water damage is not the end of the world. You may repair your water-damaged computer and return it to working order by taking the right safeguards and steps. The important thing is to take quick action and immediately unplug the PC from the power supply. Before attempting to power on the computer, make sure the exterior and interior are completely dry.

You can troubleshoot a computer or take it to a professional repair shop if it is not operating properly. The long-term functionality of your computer depends on prevention as well. Avoid using the computer while drinking or eating, keep it away from areas where it could get wet, and spend money on accessories like a waterproof keyboard cover or case. You may repair your water-damaged PC and save further damage by following these instructions.


How can I tell if my computer is water-damaged?

Common indicators of water damage include a burning smell, a computer that won’t switch on or respond, and unusual noises originating from the computer. Additionally, you might see obvious signs of water damage, including rust or corrosion on the parts.

Can I fix my water-damaged computer myself?

It is not advised to try to repair a water-damaged computer on your own as this necessitates specialized skills and tools. Self-help computer repairs could result in additional harm or void any warranties.

How much does it cost to fix a water-damaged computer?

Depending on the type of computer and the amount of damage, the cost to repair a computer that has been damaged by water can change. It is preferable to bring your computer to a specialist for an evaluation and pricing estimate of the repairs.

Is it possible to recover data from a water-damaged computer?

Depending on the amount of damage, it could be feasible to recover data from a computer that has been exposed to water. A data recovery service might be able to recover the data if the hard drive is not broken. However, data recovery might not be possible if the hard disc is destroyed.

How can I prevent water damage to my computer?

Avoid using your computer next to liquids, and always use a spill-resistant keyboard cover to prevent water damage. If you must move your computer, place it in a waterproof case or bag. To make sure that all of its components are working properly, it’s also a good idea to get your computer professionally serviced regularly.

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